List of subsidy beneficiaries (national Funds)

The list of beneficiaries is published on the basis of Act No. 256/2000 Coll.

The full-text search engine contains data for the last two closed EU fiscal years (the EU fiscal year starts on 16 October and ends on 15 October of the following calendar year), which can be directly displayed and sorted using the Advanced search tab.

Data for the past EU fiscal years can be downloaded below in the Downloads section. The file "Summary of decisions on recovery of undue payment of subsidy" can also be downloaded under Downloads.

More information on the published data can be found under the "INFORMATION" tab.

Essential Information on the List of Grant Recipients

On the basis of Act No 256/2000 Coll, on the State Agricultural Intervention Fund, the SZIF publishes a list of beneficiaries of public funds from EU and national sources, indicating the type and amount of subsidy paid, both in the form of a full-text search facility and also in the form of open data, i.e. files in "open, machine-readable format" (in the Files to download section). In the case of processing (publication) of personal data, the relevant information is provided and processed in accordance with Act No. 110/2019 Coll, on the processing of personal data, as well as with regard to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (GDPR). The published data may be processed by bodies competent in the field of audit and control of the EU and the Czech Republic for the purpose of protecting the financial interests of the EU.

The EU fiscal year always starts on 16 October and ends on 15 October of the following calendar year, The list of beneficiaries of subsidies contains the amounts according to the date of payment corresponding to the classification in the given fiscal year. Data for the closed EU fiscal year shall be published no later than 31 May of the following calendar year (except as indicated in the next paragraph).

In addition, starting in fiscal year 2022, due to a requirement of national legislation, a portion of the data is published no later than 7 days after the payment of the subsidy. Therefore, a file entitled "List of beneficiaries of national subsidies for the current fiscal year" is published in the Downloads section and is continuously updated throughout the year.

Technical information on the published files:

Files are published in CSV format from 2022 (XML until 2021).

The files contain: the name of the beneficiary and his/her place of residence/residence, the amount of the grant and a description of the measure for which the grant was paid.

From the EU fiscal year 2022 onwards, the information published in the CSV files is extended to include the beneficiary's identification number and the date of entry into force of the decision to pay the subsidy.

Basic information on the Overview of decisions to recover undue payment of a grant

Starting from the EU fiscal year 2022, a separate file, the Summary of Decisions on the Recovery of Undue Subsidy Payments, is published under Act No 256/2000 Coll. on the State Agricultural Intervention Fund, which is a list of subsidy refunds prescribed to beneficiaries. It should be pointed out that this is only a summary of refunds in the amount originally prescribed and not of actual refunds.

The data in the file and its format is identical to that of the List of Grant Recipients, but the decisive data for inclusion in a particular overview for a fiscal year is not the date of payment but the date of entry into force of the decision to recover an undue payment of a grant.

Important notices

This listing is for informational purposes only.

Amounts are in CZK.

If you find any discrepancies in the figures, please contact

The negative (-) sign for payments in the List of beneficiaries file indicates the amount actually returned to the SZIF account.

Anonymisation of data - if the total amount of national sources received by a legal/natural person for the current fiscal year is equal to or less than EUR 1,250, the name and identification number of these beneficiaries is not provided - these beneficiaries are listed under a unique identifier (UI). At the same time, if, due to the small number of beneficiaries from a given municipality listed under the JI, the FO could be identified, the municipality is not indicated, but only the superior administrative unit according to the NUTS classification (district).

Abbreviations: Czech Republic Czech Republic, EU European Union, CZK Czech koruna, PO Legal entity, FO Natural person, ND National subsidy

Subsidy beneficiary Amount in CZK
" FUTUR ", s.r.o.
Široká Niva, district Bruntál
45 086,16
" Rybářství Vysočiny, v.o.s. "
Chotěboř, district Havlíčkův Brod
53 328,14
"AGRODAM Hořepník, s.r.o."
Hořepník, district Pelhřimov
947 801,88
"AGROTECHNIK, spol. s r.o."
Mirovice, district Písek
155 723,07
"AGROTREND HRUŠKY", spol. s r.o.
Hrušky, district Břeclav
74 827,08
"DRUDAR" zemědělské družstvo Darkovice
Darkovice, district Opava
79 604,71
Měcholupy, district Louny
108 186,98
"LUBÍ" spol. s r.o.
Třebíč, district Třebíč
66 063,26
"Odchovna plemenných býků Cunkov s.r.o."
Milevsko, district Písek
2 534 996,58
"R E A G R O spol. s r.o."
Český Dub, district Liberec
93 456,80
"Sady Klášterec nad Ohří spol. s r.o."
Klášterec nad Ohří, district Chomutov
2 070 338,47
"TERRA KAPLÍŘ" spol. s r.o.
Sulejovice, district Litoměřice
286 513,55
"ZETA-NOVA Strážkovice s.r.o."
Strážkovice, district České Budějovice
151 290,09
1. Hradecká zemědělská a.s.
Branka u Opavy, district Opava
681 753,14
1. jihočeská zemědělská A s.r.o.
Horní Stropnice, district České Budějovice
377 444,44
1. Jihočeský drůbežářský podnik, s.r.o.
Dynín, district České Budějovice
6 167 786,16
1.zemědělská a.s. Chorušice akciová společnost
Chorušice, district Mělník
634 979,38
A - TAURUS s.r.o.
Rtyně v Podkrkonoší, district Trutnov
322 709,86
A G Á T A, spol. s r.o.
Stará Lysá, district Nymburk
91 690,35
A G R O B E N s.r.o.
Kacanovy, district Semily
262 882,04
A G R O Hybrálec, s.r.o.
Hybrálec, district Jihlava
803 276,54
A G R O Měšetice s.r.o.
Sedlec-Prčice, district Příbram
819 660,60
A G R O P , spol. s r.o.
Dubá, district Česká Lípa
187 978,31
A g r o s y s t é m M l a d k o v společnost s ručením omezeným (zkr. s.r.o.)
Mladkov, district Ústí nad Orlicí
70 202,51
Sokoleč, district Nymburk
201 623,50
Žlunice, district Jičín
669 889,27
A L A, a.s. Řepníky
Řepníky, district Ústí nad Orlicí
735 655,93
A.Z.O., s.r.o.
Jinošov, district Třebíč
394 122,88
AB AGRO s.r.o.
Křišťanovice, district Bruntál
121 785,46
AB Bor, s.r.o.
Bor, district Tachov
310 612,30
ABERO s.r.o.
Stříbro, district Tachov
33 716,58
ABM HRÁDEK, s.r.o.
Slavičín, district Zlín
155 037,89
ABRO Zdražílek s.r.o.
Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou, district Znojmo
2 616 426,52
Červené Pečky, district Kolín
200 129,05
Martínkovice, district Náchod
70 383,80
ADV Libštát a.s.
Libštát, district Semily
34 293,72
ADW FARM, a.s.
Lesonice, district Třebíč
131 799,03
AFEED, a.s.
Hustopeče, district Břeclav
9 232 638,24
AG - Horní Rybníky s.r.o.
Zábrodí, district Náchod
4 277 821,00
Šťáhlavy, district Plzeň-město
269 247,50
AG - STEMA, spol. s r. o.
Lidečko, district Vsetín
343 812,18
Netvořice, district Benešov
469 885,77
AG družstvo Kružberk
Nové Lublice, district Opava
384 935,90
AG FOODS Group a.s.
Brno, district Brno-město
165 732,50
Benátky, district Svitavy
13 618 632,35
AG Skořenice, akciová společnost
Běstovice, district Ústí nad Orlicí
688 054,11
AG SLUŽBY s.r.o.
Karlovy Vary, district Karlovy Vary
199 746,88
Ag Vltavín s.r.o.
Dobšice, district České Budějovice
170 608,31
AGD Kačice, s.r.o.
Kačice, district Kladno
1 001 035,39
AGD Senice a.s.
Senice, district Nymburk
988 096,59